If you haven't already noticed the blue and yellow tent, the ads, the buzz and the overall excitement about having Cirque du Soleil in San Jose February 4 - March 7, get with the program:
The new OVO is here (the second U.S. city after San Francisco to see the show), and it is set up under the Taylor Street Bridge.
WHAT! Pay $100 a ticket? Times are tough, dontcha know.
Well, not all tickets are $100. They start at $65 for adults. A little hefty, but considering that it is one of those occasional treats, it's worth it. It's priced in line with theater, sports and other spectator events and it definitely delivers in value. And in an era when so much is computer generated, animated, Photoshopped, and air brushed, there is a thrill in taking your family to something that is genuine, live and authentic.
Here are four other great reasons to see the show:
- The artistry is beautiful. If you sit for hours and watch the Olympic gymnasts and ice skaters, marveling over what they are able to do, this is your opportunity to get up close and much more personal with body artistry that isn't constrained to doing everything by-the-book. (And note that three of the OVO cast are former Olympians).
- It's designed for you to enjoy, unlike the Olympics where routines are designed to eke out another one-tenth of a point given by a judge. For two hours (plus a 30 minute intermission) you see aerialists and contortionists and gymnasts; all in fabulous costumes.
- It's like a mini-vacation. Cirque du Soleil shows are must-do stops for tourists visiting Las Vegas and New York. Why wait for vacation? Treat yourself now. And consider this: Cirque shows are so popular that there are SEVEN of them in permanent residence in Las Vegas. Pretty much every discussion board about Vegas says a Cirque show is a "must-see." See the Cirque show here - go to the poker tournament in Vegas.
- The buzz factor. Eight or nine of my co-workers (including me) saw the opening show, and the next day it was all any of us could talk about. What was your favorite? Wasn't the spider wonderful? Wow - what about that trampoline work - how DO they tumble up a 20 vertical foot wall? And the creatura!!! How can anyone be so funny and so lithe in a tube costume?
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